
Starting Fresh: Paving the Path to Holistic Education

If you have decided to do a fresh start and begin a new path, then you can count on us to provide you with the support and assistance that you need. We are offering several programs that allow individuals to learn and gain valuable skills. As a...

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It Is Never Too Late to Get Your Diploma

When it comes to your education, nothing is too late. You can always catch up and do the work that you have missed out on. We understand the circumstances that each person has and have created different ways so that each individual can receive...

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Calabash Pantry Invitation

In many cultures, the matured calabash fruit is harvested to be dried and used to store food or as utensils. In an effort to extend our support to our community, we invite you all to visit our calabash pantry and grab the supplies that you...

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Advantages of Completing Higher Education

Getting back on your feet after incarceration is no doubt challenging. Aside from the very process of working for your general education diploma in Pennsylvania, you also have to maintain a positive mindset and psych yourself up to not give up...

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Ask Us: What Makes a Good Customer Service Rep?

Whether you have been an out-of-school youth for a while, a former offender, a homeless person, or a low-income youth, the customer service industry can be a good starting point for beginning a new chapter in your life. We know this too...

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Helping Out-of-School Youth Pursue their Dreams

Every day, countless underprivileged youth miss the chance on having a proper education. Poverty, disability, homelessness, or whatever situation they may be in, days pass by where they don’t get to receive basic rights on knowledge. As...

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