
GED or High School: What Are the Similarities?

General Education Development as termed with GED refers to a set of tests that is made available to adults. These tests should be passed by them to certify them who have met high-school-level academic skills. This program is a great alternative...

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POYS: Providing the Older Youth an Access to Success

Kisasa Institute of Adult Education has a job-readiness program called Preparing Older Youth for Success (POYS). POYS is a holistic approach to job readiness that is focused on low-income legal residents and youth 18-24 years old. It is...

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Some Tips for Learning the English Language

As one of the most frequently spoken languages in the world, learning to speak English has almost become a necessity. Learning a new language, especially as an adult, can be tricky, but the Kisasa Institute of Adult Education is here to help you...

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Let Us Save You from the Embarrassment

Most older youth who drop out of school do not want others to see them with books or anything that might let people know that they are back in school. To them, that is not cool. If that is true for you, then you might want to study with us....

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The Benefits of Taking ESL Classes for Immigrants

Learning how to speak English is important for immigrants living in America. This is where English as a second language (ESL) programs come in. ESL classes prepare immigrants for the specifics of western society. It also helps ensure that...

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Preparation Tips for Your Upcoming GED Exam

If you want to know how to prepare and pass your GED exam, you’ve come to the right place. Knowing how to study can help increase your chances of securing your general education diploma in Delaware County. At Kisasa Institute of Adult...

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