
Gaining Skills and Knowledge For a Better Future

Each of us has our own set of talents and abilities. These serve as our weapon as we face the world's neverending competition for greatness in our chosen field and the mastery of our trades. But what are the chances for underprivileged people...

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Paths You Can Take in Your Early Adulthood

A lot of opportunities can come when entering early adulthood. From facing a lot of job opportunities and options to take programs and go back to school, young adults sure have a place that fits their aspirations and needs. The following are the...

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Helping the Less Privileged Youth Attend Exemplary Education

The youth holds the power to transform and create a better future for themselves and the nation through proper education. Education is a right and is vital for every youth to take in order to transform their potential into power through...

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The Importance of Learning the English Language

To read, write, and speak English comes naturally to some people, and learning on their own can be effective for them. While for others, they find learning the language to be difficult. This is what Kisasa Institute of Adult Education is here...

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How Learning English can Help Improve Brain Functions

Learning English as a Second Language (ESL) is an important requirement for immigrants if they want to stay and earn their green cards or citizenship. But aside from meeting immigration requirements, learning a second language or multiple...

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The Characteristics of a Great Facilitator

A facilitator plays an essential role in our institute. They are the ones who are responsible for taking charge of the learning of our adult learners. As a provider of customer service certification, we saw the need for competence and the real...

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